Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Sleepless night

In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation. Psalm 5:3

Lord thank you for the life of this child that you have made! Thank you for the opportunity that you gave all of us, these few years of waiting, hoping, and praying for this child, to grow our faith in you. Thank you for both sides of her family, who are so ready to know her, love her, be part of the shaping of her life. Thank you for all that you do to cause us to believe in you, trust you in more areas of our lives. Lord cause this child to be full of faith, full of praise for you! Let her be one who will be compassionate, as you are, and will you give her a great mercy for others, instead of judgement? Thank you for Walker and Dollye, that they put their requests before you, and that you chose to answer in this way! Thank you for their desire to raise her to know you! Thank you that Annie and Tony, Deb and Lisa and I, were invited to be present and a witness what you have made, so many months before you even bring her into this world! We got to see her brain, see her legs kick, her long fingers, see her heart chambers, HEAR her heart! How amazing you are Lord. As you knit her together in Dollyes womb now Lord, I ask you to protect this child, and protect her parents. Give them patience Lord, give them strength, and a great joy as they raise her knowing that she is your child!

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